Showing posts with label Sonar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sonar. Show all posts

Sunday, February 8, 2015

HUDSON + SonarQube

In my last post i mentioned about HUDSON and now I am going to extend this to get best out of it

  • I configured HUDSON to poll my SVN repository for every 5 minutes to check any recent changes are there and to prepare a build with those changes and deploy it to Tomcat container (It is pretty straight forward. i certainly used HUDSON's plugins)
So building and deploying changes continuously task is given to HUDSON and it is happily doing without any rest. Now it is time to automate QA checks to make sure that builds are having valid and quality code. 

SonarQube is an open platform to manage your code quality. It is a one stop solution for all your quality related tasks( static checks, dynamic checks, quality reports, code duplicates, comments, coding rules, complexity..etc) It covers more than 20 programming languages like Java, C, C++...etc. You can basically analyze code by it's own Sonar analyzer or you can even use Maven analyzer(can configure to analyze with many plugins like Findbugs, PMD...etc ) and then your results will be stored into your favorite database automatically. You will be provided a nice dash board where you can see all the reports at once and take actions accordingly. Actually you can do a lot better with this great combination.

I will write another blog on how to setup SonarQube. Please do visit again.